TARZAN OF THE APES First Edition Centenary

TOA_dj_let_cardToday marks the the 100th anniversary, the Centenary, of the publication of the first hardcover edition of TARZAN OF THE APES from A.C. McClurg & Co. of Chicago — June 17, 1914.

To honor this occasion, I am rolling back the price of my limited edition letterpress reproduction of the dust-jacket for this important book to the PRE-PUBLICATION PRICES of 2004 — the jacket’s original release date.

Beginning this week, and until July 20, all remaining copies of the regular edition will be priced at $50.00 and the Signature edition will be priced at $100.00.

If you are not familiar with this dust-jacket replica, it is the only authentic reproduction of one of the most sought-after dust-jackets in all book collecting. Both George McWhorter, curator of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection at the University of Louisville and the late Danton Burroughs, grandson of ERB, provided source jackets for the production and both approved the final printing.

In addition to the letterpress bibliographic bookmark that accompanies every jacket each order will also receive a special gold foil keepsake card mounted on a sample of the same paper on which the jacket was printed, to commemorate this important anniversary.