The Land That Time Forgot Art Print
Of the over 300 illustrations and paintings that J. Allen St. John produced for the books of Edgar Rice Burroughs, the cover for "The Land That Time Forgot," is the only one without a human figure in it. Burroughs' novel is an amazing satire/adventure on the theory of evolution. Survivors of a steamship sunk by a German U-Boat in 1916 subsequently commandeer it, are dragged through an underwater tunnel in the South Pacific, and surface in a land of Time gone wild. They find themselves in a place filled with creatures from before Man, living with humans evolving from ape to something unforeseen and monstrous. It’s a land in which life must mutate from a tadpole-like embryo into its final form, whether beast or human, constantly battling to survive. St. John's cover displays the incongruity of a dinosaur from the Mesozoic era standing over a mammoth of the Pliocene—an example of the maddening mix of lifeforms inhabiting Caprona, the land that Time forgot.
11 x 17 in. on 65lb Aurora Art Natural Matte stock — $50.00